Sometimes in our imagination, we may think of Samson as that mythological figure Hercules, with rippling biceps and abs of steel. But no one ever had to ask Hercules where his strength came from. The source of his strength would have been obvious. On the other hand, everyone marveled at Samson, and asked what was the source of his strength. It is obvious then, that his great strength didn’t come from his muscles, but from the power of God who had anointed him with the Holy Spirit for a specific task, that of being a deliverer. But Samson took ‘swim’ in the murky waters in the Valley of Sorek, and drifted away. This book, “Samson in the Valley of Sorek – A Reflective Look at Becoming Spiritually Desensitized” is written primarily for young adults who are in the process of making life impactful decisions – such as how they will live sexually, choosing a career, choosing a mate, and decisions about living a healthy spiritual life with Jesus Christ as Lord. It is written with the hope that you will learn from the miss-steps of such characters like Samson, who had been anointed by God but who presumed on the grace and mercy of God, on so many occasions, that he was unaware that the Lord had left him. So, it is written as a warning to guard that calling for which God has anointed you.